Author Archives: Vikki Anderson

About Vikki Anderson Certified Advanced Feng Shui Practitioner Professional International Astrologer Professional Tarot Consultant Certified Hypnotherapist Interfaith Minister for all types of ceremonies including weddings, baptisms, etc. Writer/lecturer/teacher in metaphysics and parapsychology Certified Crystal Therapist Silva Mind International Graduate Author, Lecturer and Teacher of Metaphysics and Parapsychology

Feng Shui for Winter

Winter is a time when the earth is in hibernation. The chi rests. Plants, trees and of course we try to take it easy. The weather gets colder and snow blankets the earth and all looks peaceful and beautiful from the inside of our home. It’s a lovely time of the year.

We may have time to read that book that has been sitting on the shelf for a few months because we were so busy with our autumn yard clean up, etc., and never got around to doing what we wanted to do. It’s a time to sit home and watch TV or have fun with the family. Adult education classes are over until February, so this is a time to decorate the house, enjoy your family, read, play board games, write holiday shopping lists, battle the crowds in the stores for holiday shopping, and generally enjoy the indoors (except for those skiers.  There always has to be a few in a crowd!)

As winter progresses, it’s a time to make sure your car is in good working condition as well as your tires. You want to be safe while driving in the snow and ice filled streets. Be sure to get that oil change to make sure the engine runs smoothly too.

Here are a few ways to bring in positive (chi) energy into your yard and home for the holidays.

Be sure the furnace is in perfect operating condition so your heating bills will be reasonable and your family will be safe and warm.

If you have a fireplace, be sure to have enough wood stored in a dry space so it can be used whenever you need a fire. Be sure the fireplace has been cleaned, if needed. Every other year would be a good starting point to know when you should have it checked.

Put light timers in several rooms so that they come on automatically when you are not home. The darkness of night comes quickly in the winter months, so make sure it looks as if someone is home.

Place your heat on a timer too so that you are not wasting precious fuel when it is not needed. There are many thermostats with timers built in and if you don’t have one, they are not outrageously priced.

Are all the window and door seals tight so that you don’t lose precious heating in the winter?

Is your roof in need of repair? It would be worse if your roof was in need of repair and you found out while the ice was melting through your attic and into one of your second floor ceilings.

Keep an extra entranceway runner handy so that excess mud, water or snow can be wiped off easily from shoes or boots before coming into your home.

If it makes sense for you, do bulk shopping so that you have fewer trips to the store and have plenty of items on hand in case of an unexpected snow storm. With gas prices, it’s yet another way of saving a few more dollars each month.

This is a great time to clean out attics and basements during the bad weather. Until the weather breaks, you might as well be productive.

Clean out closets and/or dressers one day at a time until you are finished.

Go through your clothes, towels, bed linens and tablecloths and see which ones you no longer need, like, or use.

You can put them in a big bag or box for a springtime garage sale or you can simply donate them to your church, favorite charity or bring them in to your local thrift shop.

My local animal shelter recently advertised that they needed these items for bedding for their animals so I brought bags of things I could no longer use.

Clean out your makeup drawer! If you haven’t used something in a year, toss it or give it to someone who may want or need it, if it is still good. Once mascara is opened, it can only be used for three months until bacteria forms inside the tube. If creams smell bad, toss them. There is a certain shelf life on cosmetics, so check them carefully. Otherwise, you are storing items that are unusable or bad.

When putting away holiday decorations, do one area of your home at a time. Pack things carefully so you won’t find them broken next year. Put tree decorations together, the manger and figurines in another box, and all of your window and room decorations in another. Label each box with a big black magic marker or Sharpie pen. Rubbermaid makes clear large containers that seal out moisture, so perhaps investing in a few of them will help make the storing of your decorations easier.

Read; there is no time like winter to curl up in front of a fireplace or in a cozy chair and read. You can see TV all year long. At this time, there are mostly holiday specials on or repeats. Holiday specials are great, but they tend to play them over and over again.

Spend more time with family and friends. Have a few cocktail parties or get-togethers with finger foods. I was recently introduced to a fun game called “Apples to Apples.” I don’t like games but my sister-in-law said, “You don’t have to know anything or do anything that is hard,” so I gave it a try. We played for hours and had fun – both with the kids and adults. It also got us talking a lot more to each other and laughing way too much!

Catch up on recorded shows that you didn’t have time to see.

Catch up on sewing, crocheting or knitting projects while watching TV or listening to the radio or CD.

Sell your old treasures on eBay. There is nothing like the winter months to get you looking through your stuff to see that you don’t need a lot of things any longer. Get some money for them by selling them. It’s easy to sell on eBay if you have never done so before. Just read through the site and you will see how easy it truly is. If I can do it, so can you.

These are some of the suggestions I have for the winter season.

Good luck and enjoy the snow!


Have holiday lights on if it is appropriate to your holiday. Nothing brings in guests for a visit better than a light display during the holidays. Put lights on timers so that you don’t have to be home to ti turn them on. This also lets others think you are home when you may be off holiday shopping or visiting family, friends, or neighbors. (As an aside, I also have motion lights on my house to cover the whole yard, driveway, and front walkway for the same reason).

If you are a baker, bake all the great cookies and breads you usually do for the holidays. Nothing invites family, friends, and neighbors, in general, to come into your home more than freshly baked items with those wonderful aromas filling your home and seeping through your doors or windows. Do you need to bake so many cookies? How many can we eat? After the holidays, I get to throw a good deal of them out to my squirrels and other wildlife which live on my property and they say thank you.

Have all of your shopping and wrapping done early. You can buy presents all year long and wait until after Thanksgiving for larger items or items that you want to make sure you can return.

Decorate the house at different times. You can put up the tree one night and then put up window and yard decorations over the next few days. Be sure the children are home, so that they can assist in making your home look beautiful for the holidays. Even though I’m sure they’ll complain at having to work and do something as lame as put up Christmas or holiday decorations, it will be good to show the children that these holidays are for families and families to work together as a team.

Write holiday cards when you have a few spare minutes throughout the fall. Many people put names and addresses on computer labels and I must admit I did that for many years. I have learned that they are very impersonal and it’s just like you are saying that you wanted to get that chore out of the way as quickly as possible and had no regard for the person it was being sent to. I hand write all my envelopes and messages inside each card and then also include a lengthy, general typed Christmas gram. It’s more personal and it’s very rare, so your card will stand out. I have received many comments on my original notes and how refreshing they were.

When getting ready to have a holiday party at your home, here are some tips: clean the house one day, set up the tables with your best china and glasses, and you will need another day (pop them in the dishwasher if they haven’t been used since the last big holiday), do the food shopping and preparing what you can ahead of time and on the day of the party, you can relax, get ready in a stress-free environment and have fun with your guests! Clean up can be done tomorrow or after your guests have gone. Some people actually pitch in and clean up as they go. If this is all right with you, by all means, accept the help. You’ve worked hard!

Or throw a load of dishes and glasses in the dishwasher, go to bed and rest so you can face the mess ahead of you in the light of day with a strong cup of coffee or tea in your hand!

Do simple things to help your party run smoother. Prepare the coffee ahead of time so that when it is time for your guests to have coffee (or tea), all you have to do is plug the pot in.

Put your milk pitcher in the refrigerator filled with cold water so it will be kept colder for a longer period of time after serving.

Make sure your table linens are clean. Check them at least a week before your party and clean what needs to be washed or sent to the dry cleaners.

Have holiday music playing in the background, but be sure it is calming music so it does not disturb your guests. The idea is to let everyone enjoy themselves which includes chatting to one another to catch up on their lives with soft music playing in the background so you can hear one another.

If this is a pot luck dinner, prepare a menu so you can tell everyone what they could bring to your home. If it’s not a pot luck dinner but others ask what they may bring, you can always suggest gourmet dips, crackers, breads, wine, sparkling apple cider, eggnog, a bottle of liquor, or any dessert of their choice. Tell them how many guests you are expecting.

You do not need to put out every holiday decoration you have. As the children leave the nest, you can put up a modest yet tasteful display of decorations. The holidays are a time for us to relax and enjoy the season, not stress over all the decorations, where to move the furniture until after the holidays and rush out to buy the biggest live Christmas tree you can find. I find live trees dangerous, messy (I found pine needles the next July stuck in my rug and eventually my feet!). They need constant water and they seem to dry up quickly.  I personally think they can be a dangerous hazard to your home if you are not taking extra care of this tree.  Be careful.

Is an artificial tree out of the question? There are so many kinds of artificial trees that are pre-lit (a gift from Heaven) and in so many shapes and sizes, do we really have to spend a lot of money year after year and have yet another beautiful part of nature being cut down, destroyed and then burned when they are not sold? An artificial tree can be purchased after the holidays for very reasonable prices and they look good for at least ten years if cared for properly. 

I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with all the joy and blessings God can give you.

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by Rev. Vikki Anderson

In astrology, the male or positive signs are depicted as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The feminine or negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.  The positive or negative traits assigned to each sun sign have nothing to do with a positive or negative attitude.  It separates the zodiac signs into leaders and followers, extroverts or introverts, those who are extremely talkative, and those who quietly observe, whether you will become a leader of industry or a teacher, are you romantic or more practical? 

Solar eclipses give you approximately two days a year when you can reset your goals, dreams, ambitions, and aspirations; however, there have been years when there were three or four solar eclipses! They will be in either positive or negative signs.  If it is in your positive or negative group, then you can be sure the next six months will be very dynamic with lots of reassuring changes guiding you toward your goals. When an eclipse is not in your group, it doesn’t provide easy opportunities or positive energy to make things go your way, but you can use the eclipse energy to change things you do not like or to choose another path. You still need to be proactive and positive on the eclipse no matter your sign.  Circumstances and life may get blown out of proportion and challenges may occur. This could result in issues with family, partners, health, career or money, as well as other areas of life. Now you know one of the reasons why life isn’t always treating you fairly. You must be persistent to make life go in the direction you intended. On an eclipse, make sure to keep the day positive and the next six months of your life will steadily.

This is a great time to set your intention list of what you want to happen in your life moving forward.  Plan now and make the eclipse day a positive one. 

Can eclipses have a dramatic impact on one’s life? 

A dramatic impact means that you can change your life and go in any direction you wish. If you don’t like the way your life is going, you can change it in a positive way and the effect will last until the – next subsequent eclipse.  It’s a great time to start a new project, health regime, or business, especially a home-based business. Eclipses provide a cosmic wake-up call to help manifest your highest intentions.  

Whether you can see an eclipse or not is irrelevant. The energy of the eclipse affects the whole world and the whole day from midnight to midnight no matter when the actual eclipse takes place.  

What should you do on an eclipse? 

It’s very simple and practical. Do whatever you want to be doing for the next six months. So, if you want to start looking for a new job, send out resumes on that day. If you are trying to sell your home, talk to a realtor that day or drop into a realtor’s office. Better yet, put your house up for sale on an eclipse for extra energy in selling it quickly. If you like your job, get to work on time, be friendly, have lunch with co-workers, and do each assignment with enthusiasm and dedication, etc. Don’t go shopping on an eclipse or your intent would be to spend extra money during the next six months. Reach out to people you would like to have in your life more. You can email, write or visit with them, it doesn’t matter. Contact is an important issue. Put money in the bank so you’ll have money to save during the next six months. Go out for a meal with friends or loved ones so that you will have more time and money to do that going forward. I tell women don’t offer to pay for the meal so that they don’t spend the year ahead paying. If you are ill on this day, unfortunately, you may catch a lot of colds; so please take care of yourself so you don’t have to worry about your health. An eclipse is a great day to tell someone you love them.  

You can start a new redecorating project, makeover, or new hobby. You can take a new class, learn a foreign language, make a home-cooked meal for the family if it is your intent to have the family around the dinner table more, but remember, you will be cooking more. 

Personally, I like to read, write, take my dogs for a walk, listen to relaxing music, watch Youtube tutorials, rest, update my blogs or website, and make sure I either lecture or have clients on that day to attract more business in the future. 

What shouldn’t you do on an eclipse? 

This is easy yet important. Do not do housework! Do not schedule any medical procedures or doctor appointments. You don’t want to be sick for the next six months, do you? Do not pay bills or you will have more bills to pay.  Do not have a fight with anyone. If you do, makeup quickly so this will not be an issue for the future. Do not stay home from work on this day or you could be downsized, laid off or fired. Several students tested me on this and told me in the following semester that they had lost their jobs because they went to the beach on an eclipse instead of to work. They learned their lesson the hard way.  If you are homesick, take a shower, wash your hair, get dressed and do something relaxing that does not remind you of your illness. You may wish to read, continue a puzzle, paint, crochet, watch Youtube videos, talk a leisurely walk, binge watch a TV show you haven’t seen or learn a new subject online, etc. Don’t procrastinate. 

Don’t do anything you don’t want to be doing over and over again for the next six months. Think about what you want to accomplish and make sure you are doing what brings you closer to your goals.  Be with the people you want to be with for the next six months. 

A solar eclipse is a wonderful way to reorganize your life and bring in positive energy that you can use to enhance your life.  

We will not see all the eclipses. It depends on the moon’s position in the sky; however, whether it is an Annular or Total Eclipse, the effect on you will be exactly the same.  Happy Eclipses everyone!

Upcoming Eclipses:

October 14, 2023

April 8, 2024

October 2, 2024

March 29, 2025

September 21, 2025

February 17, 2026

September 13, 2026

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Solar and Lunar Eclipses

The male or positive signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The feminine or negative signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

The solar eclipses below will indicate if they are for the benefit of positive or negative signs.  When an eclipse is not in your positive or negative group, it does not give you easy opportunities or positive energy to make things go your way.   You must be very persistent to make things go the way you want them to.  Things may get blown out of proportion and life gets difficult. These could result in issues with family, partners, health, career or money and so many other areas of life. Now you know one of the reasons why life isn’t treating you fairly.  However, we have free will and can change anything we don’t like or need.  So, on an eclipse, make it a positive day no matter what you do and the next six months and your life will steadily improve.

What are your goals? This is a great time to deal with your wish list of what you really want to happen in your life to help push your dreams, aspirations, and desires forward. I usually don’t work with lunar eclipses too much because their effect is less than a month, but if you do, it rules your emotional life and your level of sensitivity. It can heal you on so many levels as Mother Moon sends her blessings and good luck your way to deal with anything going on in your life from an emotional point of view.  However, the solar eclipse is like a video that gets played over and over again until the next one which occurs.  The next few years’ eclipses are as follows:

June 21, 2020 – Cancer – negative

December 14, 2020 – Sagittarius – positive

June 10, 2021 – Gemini – positive

December 4, 2021 – Sagittarius – positive

So, this is a great time to plan that day as best you can. Have time to work and play, rest, read, watch TV, exercise, start a new diet, be with friends and family you want to be with, and avoid those you don’t. It’s a great time to have a meal with your partner, family, or kids so you will have more time during the next six months to do that.   No matter which sign you are, just remember:  whatever you are doing on that solar eclipse day will also be your priorities for the next six months. Be creative, have fun, and do spend the time doing what you really want to be doing for the next six months. Be with family and friends so you’ll have more time to spend with them.  Avoid people you want out of your life and they will be weeded out automatically a little at a time.  No operations, dentists, medical procedures of any kind on that day or you will be going to the doctor until the next eclipse.  DO NOT pay bills on that day or your intent is to always be paying bills.  AND do put money in the bank so you will have more money to save than spend.  Read, write, do something artistic, take a walk, start an exercise program, a healthy diet, or do something that makes you feel wonderful – like trying new makeup perhaps?  Experiment in all areas of life.  This is what eclipses are for.

Happy eclipse to all.  Compliments of

Categories: Lunar eclipses, monthly predictions, Solar Eclipses

Solar Eclipses Through 2024

Updating my site with new eclipse dates, so I thought I’d list them here.
Jun 21, 2020 — Annular Solar Eclipse
Dec 14, 2020 — Total Solar Eclipse
Jun 10, 2021 — Annular Solar Eclipse
Dec 4, 2021 — Total Solar Eclipse
Apr 20, 2023 — Total Solar Eclipse
Oct 14, 2023 — Annular Solar Eclipse
Apr 8, 2024 — Total Solar Eclipse
Oct 2, 2024 — Annular Solar Eclipse
Make sure you are doing wonderful and positive things on the eclipses so that your next 6 months (or to the next eclipse), your life will be happy and abundant in all areas of life.
An Annular eclipse is pretty special, but if you are used to seeing a Total Eclipse then an Annular feels like a great buildup and then the peak just doesn’t happen.
The key difference is that the Moon is further away from the Earth during an Annular as compared to a Total Eclipse. This gives the appearance of the Moon being smaller in the sky, and it no longer completely covers the Sun. Instead, a ‘ring of fire’ remains – the Sun still emits direct light. Even though the light is greatly reduced, it is still not possible to safely view with the naked eye. Filters must be used throughout. As a result, key features of the Total Solar Eclipse are missing.
Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for astrology consultations by phone — appointment necessary.
Categories: horoscopes, horoscopes by Vikki Anderson, Solar Eclipses

Autumn Energies

Autumn is a time of the year which represents balance and enlightenment.  It gives us the power to look back over the spring and summer to see if we had fulfilled our goals, dreams, aspirations and desires.  It makes us realize that procrastination is a negative force in the universe, a blocking of life force energy, (chi), that will not allow us to go happily in to our futures.  We need to be persistent in our goals and must create, journey and explore our universe to find our true happiness and discover what boundless accomplishments we could bestow upon the world. It is a selfless time to contemplate, meditate and dream of your futures. It gives us that much needed pause to slow down and start prioritizing our lives so that we can make it the best we can with the most positive results for all involved.

The Autumnal Equinox is also about celebrating what you have accomplished and reveling in those positive accomplishments.  It is a magnificent time to think of others and realize how lucky we truly are to have journeyed far into ourselves with understanding, truth and compassion.  This makes us realize that any charitable gesture or action can make a difference in someone’s life no matter how small and the feeling of sharing, giving, exchanging and bartering your gifts with others will always make you feel blessed and humble as you help your fellow human beings in this third dimensional plane.When the leaves start to fall, it is as though the universe has given in to the rationalization that all things must eventually die and be reborn in due course. It is the never-ending cycle or circle of life that we have become accustomed to.  It is life as we know it. This is our second chance to make things right, to find that balance within us and to live life the way we had always intended…with peace, love, harmony, joy, good health and an abundance in all things.  Happy Autumn to all!

Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for astrology consultations by phone — appointment necessary.
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How To Be A Tarot Detective – (new self-help tarot book) by Vikki Anderson

Vikki Anderson’s second tarot book, “HOW TO BE A TAROT DETECTIVE,” is available on in hardcover, softcover, and Kindle versions.  This book has information combined from her first tarot book published in 2001 and new information gained throughout the last thirteen years.

Vikki has changed many of the meanings of the cards as she had thought that many of them were very negative.  This new method is called, “The Totally Tarot Method” which is easy to learn and gives one more accurate readings than the traditional methods.
This book divides itself into many interesting areas of metaphysics. There is a detailed description of each card, includes teenager meanings, karmic lessons, the astrological connection, meditations/affirmations and the traditional meaning of each card. It also explains many modalities in connection with tarot such as healing crystal meanings, numerology, astrology and in-depth explanations of all the fifty-six Minor Arcana and the twenty-two Major Arcana cards, dos and don’ts, color interpretations as well as how to prepare and interpret the cards for use.  This book gives you detailed information about which questions to ask in a reading to get the most insightful information for your family, friends or client.  “HOW TO BE A TAROT DETECTIVE” defines timing methods, many different types of spreads and reading the cards in a much easier way than before.

Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for tarot and astrology consultations by phone — appointment necessary.

Categories: Tarot Book, Tarot Book by Vikki Andersob | Tags: , , , ,

Numerology Personalities


This is a male energy, the Alpha, a leader, ambition, attainment, happiness, fulfillment, glory, individualism, the self, arrogance, initiation, dominant, creative, birth, unique and all fire.


This is a submission number as it is female energy, represents the other, love, adaptability, dance, devotion, the subconscious, water, twin flame, mediation, consideration, cooperation, dualism and balance.


This number denotes multiples, The Holy Trinity, faith, hope and charity, speech, wit, art, sensuality, immaturity, passion, surprise or shock, change, sex, culture, and the triangle.


This is the builder number, stability, justice, earth, the conscious mind, civilization, traditional, profit, health, conviction, wisdom, progress, power and a good foundation.


This number stands for the visionary, opportunities, symbols, story-telling, adventure, imagination, the subconscious mind, freedom, healing, choices, unconditional love, mercy, resourcefulness, the New Age, an assistant, invention and expansion.


This number stands for the protector, healer, children, empathetic tendencies, intuition, sympathy, sensitivity, sustenance, community, circulation, charity, balance, sorcery, simplicity and a nurturing spirit.


This is the number of the analyst, thinker, science, study, literature, logic, secrets, religion, rituals, knowledge, isolation, chastity, dignity, the collective consciousness, genius, and myth.


The manifestation number including wealth, power, material well being, the ego, business, employment, appearance, customs, exchange, reality, riches, investments and world transformation.


The humanitarian number, religious, spiritual, philanthropic, duty bound, mission, hardship, the higher self, spirit guides, faith, angel on Earth, faith in mankind, optimist, self sacrifice, karma, Divine Wisdom.

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Aries Sun Sign


The Ram.

This sign rules the head and is an ambitious and successful sign.

Keywords are: active, impulsive, aggressive, naive, leader, optimistic, rash, self-centered and enthusiastic.  Arians are lovely people who like to take the lead in any situation.  They would rather be the center of attention than being “behind the scenes.”  They are idea people, but their attention span in every day matters and love may be fleeting. Being interested in so many things, they rarely have the time to look into anything in-depth.  Arians love to travel, have fun, meet new friends and especially like to meet new people of varied cultures and in general is interested in anything until they get bored with it.  Love is another issue with Aries.  They can be in love with love and when reality sets in, they are amazed at how they could have thought they loved their partner.  However, once they find true love, they can be one of the most loving, caring, giving and positive partners anyone could ever want. This sign is very good at coming up with answers so ask your Aries friend or family member for advice.  I know you will always get the appropriate answer.

Mars: is the planet of energy, sex drive, temper, competition, personal power, passion, leadership, conflict, strength, anger, courage, competition, assertion and motivation.

This planet represents the God of War and Conflict – Aries.  Mars shows us how we respond to conflict and challenges in our lives.  Many Arians have scars or injuries to their face or head.  This area should always be protected.

Quality * Cardinal:  Changeable, ambitious and active.

Element: Fire represents someone who is outgoing, optimistic, energetic, creative, impulsive, passionate, arrogant, selfish, impatient, spontaneous and warm.

Other fire signs are Leo and Sagittarius which are Aries’ best matches.

Aries is a semi-fruitful sign. * Polarity: Masculine/Positive * Gemstone:  Bloodstone * Opposite Sign:  Libra.


Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for astrology consultations by phone — appointment necessary.


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Pisces Sun Sign Description


PISCES – February 18 – March 19

This sign rules the feet and is a mutable water sign of negative polarity. The symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions; they do not notice what the other is doing.  One is spiritual and the other handles the mundane. Keywords are: idealist, subconscious, subtlety, receptive, inspirational, higher self, dreams, mystery, illusion, unconscious, intuitive, compassionate, emotional, escapist, story tellers, imaginative and sensitive.  These are the dreamers of the zodiac. Sometimes, they would rather see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear instead of dealing with the hard truth. However, many can be inspired artists, poets, actors, writers and visionaries.  At their worst, this sign can be one of the best con artists, liars, and forgers.  Pisceans lead a varied life of helping those around them, and never learn how to receive from others.  Consequently, they will certainly repeat this karmic lesson in many future lifetimes until they value their own self worth.  They can get easily stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted.  Boundaries and limitations must be established to protect good mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.  This is also one of the most intuitive and spiritual of all the signs.

Colors:  Sea greens

NEPTUNE represents: the subconscious, creativity and psychic ability.  It allows one to connect with the spiritual world and intuition on a deep level.  This planet is also associated with goals, ideas and an idealistic view of the world.  It also represents seeing things through rose colored glasses.  Neptune is a planet of illusion and delusion.

Planet represents the God of the Sea – King Neptune.

Quality * Mutable:  adaptable, versatile, intellectual, flexible, varied interests, always has many projects going on at the same time, always on the go, always needs to have the last word, talkative and inventive.  Other Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius.

Element * Water: emotional, empathetic, psychic abilities, supportive, lazy, unbalanced, impractical, emotional, creative, secretive, deep and depressed. Other water signs are Cancer and Scorpio which are Pisces’ best matches.

Pisces is a fruitful sign. * Polarity: Feminine/Negative * Gemstone:  Amethyst * Opposite Sign: Virgo


Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for astrology consultations by phone — appointment necessary.
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January 20 – February 17

(These dates change each year)

AQUARIUS: The sign rules the circulatory system and the ankles. The symbol is the water bearer to is pouring out knowledge to the masses. Keywords are: opinionated, impatient, assertive, independent thinker, progressive, inventive, unconventional, friendly, talker, friends oriented, and somewhat detached to many situations. This sign can be a workaholic, but is also one of the sucker signs (too giving, too caring, too loving, too kind, too generous, too honest and will eventually become a door mat if boundaries are not set).   The old adage is, “If you can’t get along with an Aquarian, you probably aren’t worth knowing.”  They are lovely souls who try to help everyone and really have trouble saying no.  This sign will be the first to help out anyone and will give their last nickel to someone in need.  As a good friend to them, you should not take advantage of their kindness.  They need more limitations and boundaries.

Colors:  Iridescent blues

URANUS:  Ruling planet is Uranus which represents: enlightenment, new beginnings, invention, science, dramatic change, revolutions, sudden events, unexpected events, opportunities, self expression, technology and purpose.  Uranus represents the God of the Sky and the Universe.

Gemstone:  Garnet  *   Theme:  I know  *  Opposite Sign:  Leo

Quality * Fixed:  stable, conservative, stubborn, determined, unchangeable, moody, skeptical, good follow through, and stick to a single course of action.  Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Element * Air:  Changeable, rational, motivated, quick witted, intellectual, restless, critical, judgmental, resistant, detached, sarcastic, communicative, inventive and rational.  Other Air signs are Gemini and Libra which are Aquarius’ best matches.


Copyright 2020 by  Call 570-215-4223 for astrology and tarot consultations by phone — appointment necessary.
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